Your Postscript Results for March party popper graphic logo with mark vertical transparent (3) minus 1 heading level 1 Your March Results heading level 1 31.3X ROI of your SMS program Here's how your SMS program for your Shopify store performed over the last 30 days. We have also included an SMS strategy tip with real examples that you might find interesting. Tell us what you think of these monthly recaps by replying to this email. We'd love to know! The Postscript Crew cowboy hat face heading level 1 $15,635.64 TOTAL ATTRIBUTED REVENUE heading level 1 $500 MONTHLY SPEND heading level 1 8,955 TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS heading level 1 2,156 NEW SUBSCRIBERS THIS MONTH heading level 1 $1.21 AVERAGE SMS MESSAGE VALUE heading level 1 $7.25 AVERAGE SMS SUBSCRIBER VALUE Your monthly tip light bulb Most marketers know that list growth is King when it comes to SMS marketing. But did you know that brand new subscribers are more valuable than older subscribers? Here's what our data scientist found: campaign earnings from new subscribers are 1.5X higher than earnings from older subscribers. So how can you keep your list fresh with new subscribers each month? backhand index pointing right One way is to cross promote your SMS program to your existing email subscribers. You can do so by adding a keyword and your number in the bottom of your newsletter. Check out two great examples from Snif and OLIPOP below. P dot S. We give 10 more opt in methods in our mega guide on SMS list building and data segmentation. link Read it here dot graphic email list examples Happy texting waving hand Postscript, number 251 3370 North Hayden Road, Ste 123, Scottsdale, AZ link Unsubscribe link Manage preferences