link bulb dot co dot uk heading level 2 Your 2019 was super green Hi Smiles Davis, Thanks so much for being with Bulb in 2019. We wanted to show you just how big an impact you’re having. By being with Bulb, your carbon emissions are 3,026 kg of CO 2 per year lower than an average home. That’s the weight of a tuojiangosaurus. graphic Image of a tuojiangosaurus 3,026 kg of CO 2 Share link graphic Twitter icon You use 1,944 k Wh of renewable electricity and 733 k Wh of green gas per year. Before offsetting, this reduces your emissions by 634kg of CO 2. It would take 930 trees to absorb that much in a year. graphic Image of a forest 930 trees number poweredby Bulb link graphic Twitter icon And we carbon offset the rest of your gas emissions too, making it 100 percent carbon neutral. You're offsetting 1,226 tonnes of CO 2 each year. This does things like buying new cook stoves for families in Ghana, saving money on fuel and improving the quality of their air. graphic Image showing families in Ghana using more efficient cookstoves 1,226 kg of CO 2 number poweredby Bulb link graphic Twitter icon In total, all Bulb members have reduced their carbon emissions by the equivalent of 5.3 million tonnes of CO 2 through renewable energy and offsetting. That’s the weight of 240,000 Diplodocuses. Diplodoci? Diplodoodles? Anyway, you’d need at least 3,117 Jurassic Parks to keep that many dinosaurs. graphic Image of 240000 diplodocuses 5.3m tonnes of CO 2 number poweredby Bulb link graphic Twitter icon The more people who switch to renewables and offset their carbon, the less carbon the world will emit. heading level 4 Share Bulb with your friends Each friend you bring over will reduce their emissions by about 3 tonnes of CO 2 each year. Just give them your referral link: link www dot bulb dot me slash lilyw 3437 And we’ll give you each £50 if they bring their electricity and gas over to Bulb, or £25 if they just switch electricity or gas to Bulb. graphic Image of dinosaurs referring their friends We just wanted to say thanks for the impact you’re having. So, thanks. We think you're dino mite. Have a great 2020, Team Bulb heading level 4 Calculations and other details Your emissions Your home’s impact is 0.00 g of CO 2 per k Wh of electricity and, after offsetting, 0.00 g per k Wh of gas with Bulb. You use 1,944 k Wh of electricity and 7,325 k Wh of gas a year. A link typical home on the link UK average fuel mix uses 3,100 k Wh of electricity and 12,000 k Wh of gas per year and emits 0.256 g of CO 2 per k Wh of electricity and 0.186 g of CO 2 per k Wh of gas, totalling 3,026 kg of CO 2 per year. So your emissions are 3,026 tonnes of CO 2 lower than a typical home. Planting trees This government forestry report states that link trees in Kielder Forest absorb 2 kg of CO 2 per year on average. So saving 634 kg of CO 2 is equivalent to 930 trees. And this report recommends planting link 2,500 trees per hectare of woodland dot Carbon offsetting Carbon offsetting is a powerful tool for reducing your impact on the environment. We’ve written an article with more info about link how we offset our carbon emissions dot Your offsets have directly reduced the emissions for families in Ghana by providing more efficient cooking stoves. These improve the air quality in their home while saving money that would have been spent on fuel, allowing them to spend it on more important things. Dinosaurs A tuojiangosaurus is estimated to have weighed between 1.1 and 4.8 tonnes. We've assumed the mid point of these figures. Isla Nubar, the island in Jurassic Park, covers an area of 77km 2. Each link square kilometer now could link support two elephants , and since each diplodocus was considerably heavier than two elephants, they would need at least one square km each. Therefore 240,000 diplodocus would need at least 3,117 Jurassic parks to support them. Other dinosaur related information was correct as of link 65 million years ago dot Manage your link Bulb Account Visit our link Help Centre Refer your link friends Read our link Blog link graphic e 8086419 f 192 4635 8ded 2c 64b 2117721 dot png 155 Bishopsgate, London EC 2M 3TQ Copyright Copyright 2020 Bulb Energy. All rights reserved. Bulb Energy Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (No 08469555). Our registered address is 155 Bishopsgate, London, EC 2M 3TQ. Our VAT number is 214948301. Bulb Energy Limited is licensed to supply electricity and gas by Ofgem. link Unsubscribe from this list