Why we're bad at estimating time link graphic Zapier table row minus 1 out of table FROM THE ZAPIER BLOG Why We're Bad at Estimating Time (and What to Do About It) link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… When's the last time you accurately estimated, to the minute, how long a project would take? Never? Sounds about right. Don't worry it's not just you. There's a psychological reason why estimating time is so hard. Learn all about it and how to get better at estimating time, so you can meet your deadlines and goals. P dot S. We're hiring for a staff writer! If you know anyone who'd be interested in writing about topics like this, please share link our job listing with them. link Read the full post Happy reading! Melanie and the Zapier team Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic 6acb 0da 107808e 99db 159a 40a 797f 4… Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic 850afc 65597483fc 8b 25bbcdefc 732… link Hey, we're hiring! Copyright 2019 Zapier, Inc. All rights reserved. visited link 548 Market St number 62411, San Francisco, CA 94104 5401 You received this email because you're subscribed to the Zapier Blog. link Unsubscribe link Contact Us Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic 0ef 2f 75d 700cad 2a 963d 12dc 17cbeb… makes you happier :)