User Testing will be coming to Marvel Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. link View in browser link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 2 Prototyping meets User Testing. We’re super excited to announce that User Testing is coming to Marvel! Validate at speed and scale by turning designs and prototypes into usability tests in just a few clicks. heading level 4 What’s in store: list with 5 items bullet See what users do and how they react: Audio, screen and camera recordings allow you to see your designs through your user's eyes. bullet Get real time performance insights: Eliminate guesswork with insights that allow you to quickly see what designs perform better. bullet Spend less time typing notes: Effortlessly share customer feedback as we automatically convert speech detected in your tests to text. bullet Recruit participants easily: Target participants by profession, location and much more, without the hassle. bullet Scale and automate user research with our API: Integrate User Testing into your workflow with our Graph QL API or access 1000 plus apps using Zapier. out of list We're rolling out the User Testing beta to customers soon. Request early access and feature updates by hitting the button below and submitting your details. link Request early access link Marvel Prototyping Ltd. link Unsubscribe link · link Notification Settings link graphic Linked In link graphic Twitter link graphic Dribbble link graphic Facebook link graphic Git Hub