Use Asana with tools you love You don’t have to reinvent how you work to use Asana. link View in browser table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 Asana's logo column 1 link graphic Asana's logo out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 Asana fits in with your work column 1 heading level 1 Asana fits in with your work out of table link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 Asana connects to many of the tools your team already uses and loves, making it even easier to track your work. Here are some of our most popular integrations: column 1 Asana connects to many of the tools your team already uses and loves, making it even easier to track your work. Here are some of our most link popular integrations : out of table table with 1 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 File sharing Add files to tasks from Dropbox, Box, One Drive, and Google Drive to keep work connected. column 2 heading level 3 File sharing Add files to tasks from link Dropbox , link Box , link One Drive , and link Google Drive to keep work connected. out of table table with 1 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 Email Turn emails into tasks with Asana for Gmail and get status updates in Outlook. column 2 heading level 3 Email Turn emails into tasks with link Asana for Gmail and get status updates in link Outlook dot out of table table with 1 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 Chat Make conversations actionable with Slack and Microsoft Teams integrations. column 2 heading level 3 Chat Make conversations actionable with link Slack and link Microsoft Teams integrations. out of table table with 1 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 Forms Turn forms into actionable tasks with our Wufoo or Jotform integration. column 2 heading level 3 Forms Turn forms into actionable tasks with our link Wufoo or link Jotform integration. out of table table with 1 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 Login Eliminate password hassles with Okta login. column 2 heading level 3 Login Eliminate password hassles with link Okta login. out of table table with 1 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 Asana Mobile Asana works wherever you do. Download Asana for mobile to work on the go. column 2 heading level 3 Asana Mobile Asana works wherever you do. link Download Asana for mobile to work on the go. out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 View Integrations column 1 link View Integrations out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 You are signed up for this email as email protected . Manage email preferences. 1550 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 column 1 You are signed up for this email as link email protected dot link Manage email preferences dot 1550 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 out of table table with 1 rows and 4 columns row 1 column 1 Link to Asana's Facebook' column 2 link graphic Link to Asana's Facebook' Link to Asana's Twitter column 3 link graphic Link to Asana's Twitter clickable column 4