Updates to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Please learn about the changes we've made to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. link View in link browser Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. Hi there, As we expand Asana’s service across the globe, we’ve made changes to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service so they’re easier to read and reflect the growth of our Service. These changes will go into effect for you on November 14, 2017. Here are a couple of the changes you’ll find: link Updated Privacy Policy: list with 2 items bullet Added detail explaining the choices you have for how Asana uses your information. bullet Re formatting the policy to make it easier to read and understand. out of list link Updated Terms of Service: list with 3 items bullet Tailoring our terms to meet local legal requirements in different countries. bullet Clarifying that all users–not just users of the free service–are subject to the Terms. bullet Re formatting the document to make it easier to read and understand. out of list We encourage you to review and familiarize yourself with these changes. By continuing to use Asana after November 14, 2017, you agree to our updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. If you’re interested in more details, link check out our blog dot Thanks, The Asana Team Zeige allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen auf link deutsch und link französisch dot Voir les conditions générales en link français et en link allemand dot You are signed up for this email as link email protected Asana 1550 Bryant Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic icon tweet Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic icon facebook