This subject line could be better. Here's how link Open this email in your browser. link graphic mailpoet logo white link graphic facebook link graphic twitter heading level 3 March 2019 heading level 1 Hi Poet! The email designer is getting better and better. It's definitely more enjoyable and clearer to use. A few improvements we added to the designer recently: list with 7 items bullet A new and clearer user interface bullet Change the line height of your titles and text bullet Align your social media icons left, center or right bullet More new fonts, for a total of 20 bullet Updated text formatting bar (Tiny MCE) bullet Plenty of mini bug fixes bullet Mobile preview out of list It doesn't end here. You'll soon have 50 templates to chose from. We've been carefully crafting a dozen new templates that leverage the new features of the email designer. We love them, and we hope they'll inspire your own designs. Below, you'll find 2 articles on growing your list and 2 on writing great subject lines. They're full of tips and tricks to help you achieve what Mail Poet can't do for you. Enjoy the read! Kim and the Mail Poet team link graphic Strong man with lots of little men grooming him. Capturing Emails heading level 2 8 Ways to Make Your Newsletter Signup Form Work Harder Your newsletter signup form should be more than an afterthought. But that’s how many businesses and groups treat it a little button in a lost corner of your website. That’s too bad, because with a little elbow grease, you can transform your subscriber form into a real asset, growing your email lists and increasing your visibility... link Read the article link graphic Watering email flowers Capturing Emails heading level 1 20 Simple Ways to Get More Subscribers and Grow Your Email List Looking for ways to grow your email list? When you spend so much time writing and crafting your email newsletters, it almost feels like it’s all for nothing when only a small handful of people read them. After all, you want to make your time count (and get your emails to as many people as possible)! link Read the article heading level 2 A Jar Full Of Email Marketing Tips. Shoot from both hips thanks to our email link marketing tips dot link graphic people holding pictures 2880x 960 heading level 3 March 9, 2019 heading level 3 11 Best Subject Line Styles to Increase Your Open Rates Half the battle is getting readers to open your email. Taking the right approach to your subject line can make or break your email strategy. link Read Article greater link graphic Best email subject lines served on a platter. heading level 3 March 14, 2019 heading level 3 12 of the Best Email Subject Lines We’ve Ever Seen Need inspiration? We've found a variety to stop you beating around the bush. link Read Article greater link graphic prepare your emails for holiday events resized heading level 3 March 12, 2019 heading level 3 4 Tips to Prepare Your Emails for Any Holiday Calendar Event There's a holiday around the corner. Get your plan ready now. link Read Article greater link graphic videos in emails resized for newsletter heading level 3 March 8, 2019 heading level 3 Using Video in Your Email Marketing: A How to Guide It's easy to get it wrong. Here are a few tips to get it right. link Read Article greater heading level 3 Try it heading level 1 We Sent 500 Million of Your Emails Mail Poet has its own link email delivery service , built from the ground up just for Word Press websites. It's built to be super fast and reach the inbox and not the spambox. link graphic fast delivery bird 600 link Get the Free Plan heading level 1 Mail Poet Booth Pic graphic photo booth chile This photo comes from Jan, one of our link colleagues , who is currently travelling in Chile flag Chile with his wife (pictured) for a 3 week holiday. heading level 2 Links That Got Us Chatting A genuine unordered list of interesting articles. list with 11 items bullet link This popular SMTP plugin made websites vulnerable to hackers. Always update your plugins and keep backups of your site. bullet Making your site mobile friendly with Google's AMP sounds like a great idea. Until your sales drop and your newsletter signups dry up. link A case study. bullet A link video preview of the new Health Check coming in all our Word Presses. bullet Firefox is now offering a free file transfer service: link send dot firefox dot com bullet Nintendo turns 130 years old. link What makes them never die? bullet The web turned 30. It's founder suggest link a contract to let it not die. bullet link Picking up trash in public places is the new Internet challenge. bullet Spotify is waging a mega war on Apple with link this micro site dot bullet link He is the richest person to have ever lived. If he was still alive, he'd stay link here in Vegas. bullet 5G is part of our big bright future. But right now, the technology is a geo political battle pitting the US against China. link Podcast. bullet Researchers are enabling you to create realistic pictures with a few brushes of your mouse. link Youtube. out of list link Not on our list? Join now link graphic Mailpoet Logo Orange link Unsubscribe link Manage subscription Spread around the globe, officially in Marseille, France. Read our clear link Privacy Notice.