table row minus 1 link graphic Tracksmith New England link graphic The Perfect Mile For many of us, running has provided a much needed escape in a time of great uncertainty. It’s a dose of routine in a chaotic week, a moment of mental silence amid the noise, a chance to move and to disconnect. The question we’ve been asking ourselves on our daily runs is: how can we use the power of our sport to support those in our community who are at the front lines of the fight against the novel coronavirus? Together with a group of like minded outdoor industry brands, we invite you to join us in running your Perfect Mile, a global virtual run to raise money for those helping to fight COVID 19. Inspired by the legacy of Sir Roger Bannister, who ran his Perfect Mile in May after a day’s work in the hospital where he was a trainee doctor, we’re encouraging runners everywhere to run a solo mile in whatever way it is safe to do so: in your neighborhood, in your local park or even in your yard. link Register link graphic Partners Tracksmith WHOOP Ciele Hyper Ice Linden x Two ROKA link graphic Facebook link graphic Twitter link graphic Instagram link graphic Strava link Boston link The Trackhouse link 285 Newbury Street Contact Us link support at tracksmith dot com link Unsubscribe