link graphic gem stone https: slash slash growth dot design slash gems slash How To Improve Signup Confirmation Rates With Sniper Links. 1 MIN READ PROBLEM 26 percent Of Your New Users Will Never Confirm Their Email That's right. One out of four users link 1 who sign up to your product will never confirm their email Matt. Three things are causing this: list with 3 items 1. FRICTION in your onboarding steps. link 2 2. SPAM: Confirmation emails land in users' spam folder. They abandon and think that your onboarding is broken. 3. DISTRACTIONS: Your new users get distracted by other emails in their inbox. That's a classic example of Hick's Law . And it's what we'll focus on in today's GEM. out of list PSYCHOLOGY INSIGHT visited link graphic brain visited link Hick's Laws The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices. SOLUTION Sniper Link Technique With Sniper Links , your new users will only see YOUR confirmation email in their inbox, nothing else. It works even if you landed in their spam. It's like teleportation. But for inboxes. Plus, the only thing you need to make it work is a tiny link… link graphic Sniper Link technique explanation Curious to know how? Here are 3 simple steps to implement a Sniper Link for Gmail: list with 3 items 1. Open your Gmail inbox in a browser tab. Search for from: at ACME dot com in:anywhere (assuming ACME dot com is your company's domain). 2. Copy the URL of your browser tab. It should now be https: slash slash mail dot google dot com slash mail slash u slash 0 slash number search slash from percent 3A percent 40ACME dot com plus in percent 3Aanywhere. 3. Update your signup flow. Right after your users sign up to your product, instead of just saying Please validate your email on the confirmation page… show them a Confirm Your Email button that links directly to the URL you generated! out of list If you want to see a quick example, link checkout this Trello onboarding case study (slides 20 to 22). BUSINESS IMPACT The ROI Of Sniper Links Need to convince stakeholders to give this a try? Alright, let's say your company is making $12M slash year. A conversion rate improvement of just 1 percent would mean plus $120,000 for your business link 3 dot Here at Growth·Design we saw a plus 7 percent improvement. Not bad for a quick experiment. CHECKLIST Your Next Steps list with 5 items 1. graphic white heavy check mark Yay! That's already done! Read and understand this Gem. 2. graphic eyes Do this next… Write down your current email confirmation rate. 3. graphic eyes Do this next… Implement the Sniper Link Technique. 4. graphic eyes Do this next… Measure the lift with an AB test. 5. graphic eyes Do this next… Share your improvement stats with us! out of list YOUR TURN Do You Like Simple Onboardings Matt? …then share this Gem with 3 colleagues who also love great onboardings (or clean inboxes!). We even prepared your message. You just have to click this button: link graphic Gem icon Send Gem by Email › …or just copy and paste this link: link growth dot design slash gems slash sniper link Until the next Gem Matt… Dan and Louis Xavier link graphic Growth dot Design Gems Logo clickable REFERENCES: 1 Past experiments, Growth dot Design (2020) 2 link Sign Up Flows: A Friction Based Analysis (with Examples), CXL (2020) up-right arrow 3 link Pirate Metrics Calculator, Appcues (2020) up-right arrow How do you feel about this email? link graphic Hate HATE link graphic Dislike DISLIKE link graphic Like LIKE link graphic Love LOVE Copyright Copyright 2019 Growth·Design inc. All rights reserved. All Bitmoji Avatars are owned by Snap Group Limited. Growth・Design inc. 288 Ann Montreal, Quebec H 3C 0L 3 Canada link ⃠ Unsubscribe