star November Issue star State of Prisma 2, Photon breaking changes, Introduction to D Bs heading level 2 State of Prisma 2 The first Preview version of Prisma 2 came out in June. The latest blog posts shares the updated timeline for Prisma 2 and the expected production ready releases. link Learn More Prisma Framework release updates list with 6 items bullet Breaking changes in where Photon dot js gets generated police car light bullet Breaking changes in how Photon dot js is imported into code police car light bullet Breaking changes in how binary targets are called police car light bullet Vast increases in query engine throughput. The limitation that the query engine can only process 1 request at a time is lifted party popper bullet Shoutout to link at williamluke 4 for his link PR bullet link Read the release notes eyes out of list Schema Collection list with 1 items bullet link Share your database schemas (Postgre SQL, SQ Lite, My SQL) out of list New Content list with 3 items bullet link What are Databases? bullet link How to Create and Delete Databases and Tables in Postgres bullet link An Introduction to Postgre SQL Data Types out of list Prisma Labs list with 3 items bullet Community contribution from link at ssalbdivad currently in review: link support omitting input fields that link can be inferred from context bullet nexus prisma now has better support for incremental development when syncing API layer with Prisma model changes bullet link Read the release notes eyes out of list COMMUNITY Check out what's happening in the Prisma community online link Create nexus type A CLI tool to generate the Nexus object Type definitions for Prisma projects. by link Ahmed Elywa link Ripn dot tv Curated skateboarding video site built with Prisma! by link Emil Møller EVENTS Learn more about Prisma offline heading level 2 Meetups and Events Around the World Interested in speaking about Type Script or Graph QL? Need a venue space? The Prisma office hosts meetups! See past events here: link Rust and Tell , link Type Script Berlin Email us: link hello at prisma dot io JAN 16 flag Hungary Budapest JS Budapest, Hungary: An engineer from Prisma will be speaking on the Prisma Framework link Budapest JS link Meetup dot link RSVP for Budapest JS Does your event cover a Prisma related topic? Want to get involved with Prisma Meetups? Email us: link hello at prisma dot io dot heading level 2 Prisma is hiring! Prisma is a small team working on tough technical challenges in a tranquil Berlin office. We're look to hire a: list with 4 items bullet Content Fullstack Engineer bullet Developer Advocate bullet Design Lead bullet and other roles... out of list link See All Open Roles link prismadata link prisma link prisma link prisma If you were forwarded this newsletter and you like it, you can link subscribe here dot If you don't want these updates anymore, you can link unsubscribe here dot