New! Review trips quickly and easily with weekly summaries table row minus 1 Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. NEW! Add trip reviewers to your Uber for Business account. link VISIT YOUR DASHBOARD Follow these steps to start using this new feature: Add a trip reviewer Navigate to the People section of your Uber for Business dashboard. Select a rider, click Edit Details, and add the email address of an organization approved reviewer. Weekly summary of employee trips Every Monday, the reviewer will receive an email containing a link to trips for review from the previous week. Request more information Reviewers can Request More Information and ask the rider a question regarding any trips that seem irregular or out of place. The rider receives a notification and is asked to resolve the question. link Get Help link View Online link Unsubscribe This is a promotional email from Uber Technologies 1455 Market St San Francisco, CA 94103 link Privacy link Terms