Mixpanel: Welcome to Mixpanel! table with 2 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link graphic mixpanel row 2 table with 2 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 GETTING STARTED Welcome to Mixpanel! Hi Smiles Davis, Welcome to Mixpanel! Mixpanel empowers you to see what your customers are doing in your product so that you can make data driven decisions and identify areas of improvement. Mixpanel already includes insights on your customers, so you can get started now. Here are 3 ways you can get started today and improve your daily decision making: 1. Stay on top of user activity With Mixpanel, you can go beyond page views to see how your product is performing. Use link Insights to see top user actions over time with up to the second live reporting. row 2 out of table out of table table with 2 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 row 2 table with 3 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 2. Manage your customer lifecycle link Funnels helps you see where and why users drop off. You can also identify which users come back over time and the actions that cause users to convert. 3. Engage with customers Mixpanel lets you take action through link messages and campaigns that engage with customers at multiple touch points including email, SMS, push, in app, and webhooks. Our customer support team is here to help get you started. Just reply to this email so they can help. Enjoy! The Mixpanel Team row 2 row 3 link graphic FB link graphic twitter link graphic linkedin Helping the world learn from its data graphic star star star Mixpanel, Inc, 405 Howard St, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94105 link Unsubscribe