Get immediate notifications on important events in your database table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… Can't see anything? link Press here out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link graphic streams out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 We’re excited to let you know about updates on Statsbot. You can check new features right away! out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 Notifications on database events out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 Now you can get immediate notifications on important events in your database, for example, when a certain product is out of stock, or if you lost a valuable customer. The alerts will appear right in your Slack chat in real time, so you can turn any situation to your advantage. out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link Set up notifications out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 Sharing your insights out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 From now on, you can share not only your dashboards, but also every single data insight. If you want to collaborate on the same report with your colleague, just send him the url of your Insights page. Nothing is easier! out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link Share my insight out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 heading level 1 Small updates out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 list with 3 items bullet Sorting the results of your query by dimensions or measures is available. bullet Now you can remove group by date while keeping date filters. bullet Bar chart visualization for single dimension queries to see each category as a separate bar. out of list out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link Learn more out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link graphic slack out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 heading level 1 Operational analytics right in Slack out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 Fast and convenient collaboration on data is the first step to building data driven culture in a company. link Join our free webinar to know how to get metrics from different data sources (even from your database) right in Slack via natural language. Date: Thursday, December 13, 2017 Time: 12pm PM slash 1pm PT out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link Join the webinar out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 If you have some questions regarding the new features or have ideas for other ones, let us know in reply to this email. :) out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 out of table table with 1 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link Unsubscribe from this type of emails