Friday Front End Issue number 217: Has Responsive Design failed? Also, image optimization, dark mode, the Domino's accessibility lawsuit, and more! By link Scott Vandehey bullet Issue number 217 bullet link View online Links link graphic Images done right: Web graphics, good to the last byte link Images done right: Web graphics, good to the last byte Start taking graphics on the web seriously and boost your applications’ performance by learning the essentials about image formats, both modern and old school. Dig into SV Gs and adopt the latest and greatest tools to optimize your graphical content: both vector and raster. Study the theory behind digital images and how humans perceive them to improve the experience for your users. link evilmartians dot com bullet link Share link The World Wide Work This is a talk on automation, power, justice and labor in the tech industry. I want to look at some ways the Web is changing, and how our work is changing alongside it. I want to talk about web design as an agent of power, and to discuss its potential to do harm. I want to suggest that web design has, as a practice, become industrialized, and I want to look at how that will change the nature of our work in the months and years to come. I want to talk about how the web has always excelled at creating new kinds of work, before rendering that work and its workers invisible. And then I want to talk a little bit about hope. link ethanmarcotte dot com bullet link Share link A guide to implemen­ting dark modes on websites Koos Looijesteijn Adding a dark mode is basically adding a theme. The principles are the same for adding a light mode to a dark website or alternative styling based on user defined variables, the time of year or holidays. I added theming with a mix of and CSS. In this post I’ll go step by step into the details of how I did it and what I learned. link www dot kooslooijesteijn dot net bullet link Share link U dot S. Supreme Court Passes on Domino’s Case: Commenters Misunderstand This is a post responding to some negative comments about an announcement by the United States Supreme Court. The Court said that a lawsuit against Domino’s Pizza about web access can stay in the court system. The lawsuit is also about the Domino’s mobile application. This is good news for people who care about making sure websites and apps work for people with disabilities. Some people think the Domino’s website does not need to be accessible because blind people can call on the phone. Domino’s will be able to argue this if the case does not settle. link www dot lflegal dot com bullet link Share link The term Responsive Web Design has failed I think what he should have said was that Responsive Web Design alone has failed so far in keeping the web at the forefront of users experiences where most users are most of the time on mobile. Of course, that’s much more nuanced than he had time for in his talk, but if that is a goal of RWD then it has failed. If the goal of RWD is just to be a practice to making things visually work on different screen sizes, then gold stars all around. link fberriman dot com bullet link Share Videos link graphic The Mobile Web: MIA, by Alex Russell link The Mobile Web: MIA, by Alex Russell Responsive Design didn’t work, at least not the way we hoped it would. How do we know? Nearly a decade into the new reality of mobile eating everything, the web is a shrinking, bit player in the future of computing. We made our viewports smaller, but forgot to reduce everything else. What would our content be like if we shrunk everything to meet the constraints of mobile? And would it be enough to turn the tide? This talk explores those questions. link vimeo dot com bullet link Share Sponsor Thanks to link Cloud Four for sponsoring this week’s newsletter! If you’d like to help with the costs of running Friday Front End, you can back our link Patreon for as little as a dollar a month. Did you enjoy this issue? link click upn equals 8h B 5yt N Iy S Hz 7ZW 9d 4x H… link click upn equals 8h B 5yt N Iy S Hz 7ZW 9d 4x H… link graphic Scott Vandehey By link Scott Vandehey Front end development links tweeted daily, emailed weekly. link Tweet link Share If you don't want these updates anymore, please unsubscribe link here If you were forwarded this newsletter and you like it, you can subscribe link here Powered by link Revue