Email segmentation you need to use link graphic TL'DR Hey Ninjas! Chimp Answers recently posted an article based around email database segmentation, here’s our take on it: TL DR Database segmentation is like talking to people, you can say the same thing to anyone But you will tailor how you say it depending on the person. Email segmentation is one of the only ways you can effectively find out all of your customer’s interests, and how they have responded to your emails, calls to action and newsletters. Key takeaways check Segmenting your audience is all about sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time check Utilise the 6 database building blocks audiences, fields, records, segments, groups and tags check You should be segmenting your audience via forms or Entry points This can make email automation a much easier process check Every entry point should be tracked via tags and slash or groups So you know where your audience is coming from check You don’t have to limit the tags associated with your entry points Sending more content to a new customer might prove an entertaining read for them check Please Just stick to having one audience It makes segmentation far easier for your database. Hey, got time, you can link read the entire post online Curated by link Harrison Jones Too many emails? link Update your preferences dot Remember, you can link unsubscribe from ALL Mail Ninja emails any time. link View this email in your browser , or link share it with someone dot Until next time...