Create your best newsletter yet... link graphic Conversio link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 1 Design awesome newsletters heading level 1 our new e Book will help Introducing the latest addition to our academy! We've worked really hard to create a handy guide on the ins and outs of good looking and successful newsletters. Read this if you want to: list with 4 items bullet Know how to create beautiful layouts bullet Understand fonts and typography and how to use them correctly bullet Use color psychology to have an effect on your readers bullet Master how to give your content the most impact out of list link Download Now heading level 2 Plus read our definitive guide on Ecommerce newsletter strategy... As well as our e Book, we've also written a blog post outlining how to do email'. From purpose to personalization, segmentation to scheduling, you'll find it all here in our extensive exploration of newsletter optimization. link Read the post Conversio is lovingly crafted by Public Beta Ltd. Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London, EC 1M 7AD, United Kingdom. Registered in England and Wales: 8532380. You're receiving this because you're subscribed to: New Features link Unsubscribe or Change My Email Settings link U