Black Lives Matter. June 4, 2020 We are pausing the Weekly Highlights newsletter this week. link click u equals b 8d 0c 821758ac 4979998d 6… Black Lives Matter. To the Black members of our global community: We see you. We hear you. We stand with you. We recognize the pain and trauma that recent events the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery are causing, and that this pain and trauma has systemically been inflicted upon Black communities for generations. We are heartbroken and angry by the treatment of Black people and People of Color in America and around the globe. We will make it clear with our actions moving forward that there is no grey area when it comes to racism, violence, and injustice and we will not tolerate it. To the activists in our community, who have long been working to address equity, speaking out about racism, and helping all of us to understand and act in a way that brings justice: We recognize that this acknowledgement is long overdue. Everyone is welcome. As a global, American based organization, we own that there is power in our platform and that we have work to do. We realize that saying everyone is welcome in our link manifesto is not the same as intentionally designing an inclusive space that is welcoming for all people. We want to do better. We are working on a plan as an organization and as a team to engage in the work it takes to exist as an anti racist organization, and furthering the work that our community is already doing. Our commitment is not just for this moment, but for the long term and as an ongoing practice. We admit upfront that we do not have all the answers and might get things wrong in the process. We admit that we do not know the best way to embark on this journey and are learning. Most of all, we admit and see that we have been silent for too long and that it is time for us to step up, and do the work as an organization to appropriately scaffold a global community that is at its core, anti racist. A creative life requires bravery and action, honesty and hard work. To our non Black members new to anti racism, we urge each of us to relearn our shared history. It is okay to be honest about not knowing. We recognize that becoming anti racist is an ongoing process of acknowledging, educating, un learning, examining, uprooting, and speaking up. Here are some questions that we are currently asking ourselves: list bullet What biases and blindspots, implicitly and explicitly, do we have as an organization and as individuals? bullet How can we learn (and unlearn) in a way that supports real, sustained change? bullet How will we use our platform to be more inclusive and intersectional when we share the work of creators not just in this moment, but year round? bullet What does it look like to show up with humility? bullet Are we willing to engage and to make mistakes? out of list Let us open up the dialogue to educate each other, accept gaps in our lived experiences, and press through the discomfort that often accompanies growth. Engaging in the hard conversations is where critical change can be made. We are here to support you. We will continue to further amplify the voices and projects of Black business owners, creators, writers, directors, activists, and others in our community. For our first step, we have compiled and shared a list of informative resources, tools, and platforms that we have found helpful in beginning this journey. We stand with our Black community and Black creatives in the fight against racism and violence, and we urge us all to do the same. The Creative Mornings HQ Team. Helpful Resources and Tools Why it's link not enough to be non racist. link Justice in June : Commit to an action a day to become more informed. link Educate yourself and ways to help (via Black Lives Matter). Creative Mornings talks on the theme of link Justice , link Equality , and link Empathy dot link Baratunde's World Saving Books Bookshop is an online bookshop on Black history, taking action, children’s books, and more. It’s Nice That compiled a list of petitions to sign, funds and charities to donate to, and link resources for educating yourself and those around you dot link 20 actions White people and non Black People of Color in corporate (and otherwise) can take to show up for Black people right now. link The White Shift is a new podcast and resource for committing to justice and ending White silence. On the power of link mutual aid publishing during crisis. We are building a content library from scratch to share work from a more inclusive and intersectional source pool. If you have a website, book, resource, or relevant links, you are welcome to link add it to our content library for our future issues. Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic dark logo Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic dark logo All of the email knobs: You can update subscription link preferences , or link unsubscribe from this list. Copyright Copyright 2020 link Creative Mornings HQ works out of a fun office with link Friends Creative Mornings 47 Bergen Street Floor 2 Brooklyn, New York 11201 USA link THIS! Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic d 37a 4cf 9 734e 4225 ad 0b ca 3743… Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic 1eb 14b 86 b 425 401e bb 1b c 1124e… Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic 3258ed 86 9b 4c 4469 a 9ea c 35b 17…