table with 2 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 link graphic Icons 8 row 2 link graphic Icons 8 emoji heading level 1 The best emoji? We think so! Get up to 16 billion consistent, high quality emoji for your apps. link SEE THE LAUNCH out of table Don’t get stuck with your app being removed due to Apple emoji license infringement. Set your brand apart with custom, beautiful emoji. Icons 8 has reimagined what emoji should look like, creating a full set of reactions, smileys, people, food, and so much more. Designed as layered SV Gs, these emoji can be recomposed to create truly unique experiences up to 16 billion of them! link graphic Icons 8 emoji We’ve had a great time, but if you’d like to stay friends, we’ll understand. link Unsubscribe here. One thing: no drunk texting in the middle of the night, ok? link graphic Twitter link graphic Facebook link graphic Medium link graphic Dribbble link graphic Pinterest link graphic Linked In link Web version