Bankside Wi Fi graphic Purple You’ve recently visited Bankside (Wagamama UK), This email is intended to help you understand how the data you have provided is used. Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. Hi Smiles Davis, Hi Purple provides the Wi Fi at Bankside (Wagamama UK) as well as many other venues. As part of our commitment to transparency and privacy, we have created an account where you can access and control the data we hold on you. You can use this account for all other venues that use Purple Wi Fi. Verify your account by clicking below! link Get started! link graphic Facebook link graphic Twitter link graphic Google link graphic Youtube link graphic Linkedin Purple specializes in fast, secure, Wi Fi enabled physical spaces. The intelligent guest Wi Fi platform gives visitors Wi Fi access through social media authentication, while delivering marketing tools, data interrogation and location analytics, to help businesses gain digital insights and create a personalized customer experience. link Purple dot ai Copyright Purple, 2018