Bad behavior THE OUTLINE graphic The Outline December 5, 2017 heading level 1 BAD BEHAVIOR The internet is real life, and it is being destroyed. link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 2 link THE DEATH OF THE INTERNET IF WE LOSE THIS, WE LOSE EVERYTHING. link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 2 link BRIBES FOR BLOGS HOW BRANDS SECRETLY BUY THEIR WAY ONTO NEWS SITES. 5 Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic To get missing image descriptions, open the context menu. heading level 2 link CENTS PER POEM THAT'S HOW MUCH WORKERS ON AMAZON'S MECHANICAL TURK ARE BEING PAID. link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 2 link WHO WRITES THE DESCRIPTIONS ON NETFLIX? AND WHY IS THE COMPANY BEING SO SECRETIVE? link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 2 link THIS FROSTBITTEN BLACK METAL ALBUM WAS CREATED BY AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND IT SHREDS. $70 Unlabeled graphic Unlabeled graphic preview end equals FF 6E 68 and start equals 2C 185… heading level 2 link THE PRICE FOR A PAIR OF SECOND HAND SNAPCHAT SPECTACLES ON TRADESY THAT'S ABOUT HALF THE RETAIL heading level 2 link COST. table with 4 rows and 2 columns row 1 column 1 through 2 BONUS ROUND row 2 column 1 link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… column 2 link How Southwest Airlines kills startups that monitor its prices. row 3 column 1 link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… column 2 link Dan Savage is still giving good advice. row 4 column 1 link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… column 2 link Our visit to a new pop up bar that attempts to honor The Room. out of table Do you have feedback, questions, comments, love, or hate? Send that to: link email protected Have a tip on a great story? link email protected Find us in other places too. Engage with us in those places. If you want. Like us whenever the mood strikes. If you want. link graphic Instagram link graphic Twitter link graphic Facebook link Unsubscribe link Update your preferences link View this email in a browser Sent by link email protected The Outline 575 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10012