5 Reasons Why You Should Take Basis link graphic Elysium link Your Cells Are Counting On You. link Reasons to Take Basis 1 Your Cells Depend on NAD plus You already exercise regularly and eat well. But that's not enough to stop the age related decline of NAD plus . Your cells rely on NAD plus to carry out hundreds of metabolic functions, from energy creation and maintaining healthy DNA to regulating circadian rhythms. But as we age, NAD plus declines and these functions can break down. 2 Basis Is Proven To Boost NAD plus Our randomized, placebo controlled, double blind clinical trial published in link npj: Aging and link Mechanisms of Disease demonstrated an increase in NAD plus levels by an average of 40 percent in adults taking the recommended daily dose. The trial is the first ever demonstration that NAD plus can be increased and sustained in humans over a period of time. 3 The Highest Quality in Every Jar The impact a supplement has on your health is directly linked to the quality of the ingredients that support it. At Elysium Health, we adhere to the highest quality standards for the compounds we use, and industry leading standards for safety testing. And our supply chain ensures the consistency and quality of every single capsule of link Basis dot 4 10 percent of Basis Customers are Doctors Others include scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs. Not all that surprising given that Basis was designed with more than 25 years of aging research by a renowned MIT scientist, and more than 20 world class researchers sit on our link scientific advisory board , including seven Nobel prize winning scientists. 5 We're Featured in Fast Company, Cosmos, and WIRED The opportunity is the chance to make a difference by translating findings in the booming field of aging research directly to consumers today. Fast Company NAD plus replacement is one of the most exciting things happening in the biology of aging. MIT Technology Review NAD is vital to how cells use energy, a key player in metabolism. WIRED This seal of approval from scientifically literate customers reflects a revolution in the science of aging. Cosmos link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… Choose Your Plan link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… With your subscription, you'll automatically receive a 30 day supply of Basis each month, direct to your door. link Try Basis Now link graphic Elysium Copyright 2018 Elysium Health Inc dot , P dot O. Box 923, New York, NY 10013 Contact us: link (888) 220 6436 or link email protected link Unsubscribe These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, and is intended for healthy adults, 18 years of age or older. Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing.