link click upn equals tg NU 1q Cex Ss R Kk U 9n 1MU… heading level 2 Smiles Davis, you're a climate change hero! Hi Smiles Davis, Thanks so much for being with us for the past 2 months. We want to show you just how big an impact you've had by being with a green energy supplier. table with 24 rows and 1 columns row 1 column 1 By being with Bulb... row 2 row 3 You're saving 1,630 kg of CO 2 every year. That's the weight of a beluga whale. row 4 graphic Image of a beluga whale 1,630 kg of CO 2 Share link graphic Twitter icon row 5 row 6 Which is equivalent to planting 815 trees. row 7 graphic Image of trees 815 trees Share link graphic Twitter icon row 8 row 9 With over 950,000 members, the Bulb Community is saving 1.4 million tonnes of CO 2 each year. That's like planting 722 million trees. That's bigger than The New Forest, The Broads, Exmoor and Northumberland national parks combined. row 10 graphic Image of large forests across UK 722 million trees Share link graphic Twitter icon row 11 row 12 The UK is getting greener every year. In 2018, 33 percent of the country's power came from renewables. More than 2 million homes got their energy from a 100 percent green electricity supplier like Bulb. row 13 graphic Graph showing UK fuel mix: Gas 39 percent , nuclear 20 percent , renewable 33 percent , coal 5 percent , other 3 percent UK was 33 percent green Share link graphic Twitter icon row 14 row 15 The average member who referred a friend saved an extra 3,194 kg of CO 2 each year by bringing their friends over. That's like taking 2.5 cars off the road. row 16 graphic Image of cars being removed from road 2.5 cars Share link graphic Twitter icon row 17 row 18 All Bulb members combined have removed 1.1 million cars' worth of CO 2 from the atmosphere. A traffic jam with that many cars would stretch from London to Lahore. row 19 graphic Image of map from London to Lahore 1.1 million cars Share link graphic Twitter icon row 20 row 21 Help the world go even greener this year. Refer your friends to Bulb and get £50 each when they switch. It'll only take them 2 minutes. Just give them your referral link: link bulb dot co dot uk slash refer slash Smiles Davisw 3437 Your friends will save money as well as carbon. We're over £150 cheaper than the Big Six energy companies for an average Bulb home. row 22 graphic Image showing some friends together Share link graphic Twitter icon row 23 Thanks so much for being with us, Team Bulb row 24 heading level 4 How we calculated this Your emissions Your home emits 0.00 kg of CO 2 per k Wh of electricity and 0.166 kg per k Wh of gas with Bulb. You use 2,589 k Wh of electricity and 8,788 k Wh of gas a year. This government report states that the link UK average fuel mix emits 0.352 kg of CO 2 per k Wh of electricity and 0.184kg per k Wh of gas. You save the difference, 1,630 kg of CO 2 per year. Planting trees This government forestry report states that link trees in Kielder Forest absorb 2 kg of CO 2 per year on average. So saving 1,630 kg of CO 2 is equivalent to 815 trees. And this report recommends planting link 2,500 trees per hectare of woodland dot Removing cars from the road This Government report states that link a typical car drives 7,500 miles per year and another report states that link a typical car emits 0.1952 kg of CO 2 per mile driven. We assume each car in a traffic jam takes up 7.5 metres of space. out of table Manage your link Bulb Account Visit our link Help Centre Refer your link friends Read our link Blog link graphic e 8086419 f 192 4635 8ded 2c 64b 2117721 dot png Hanbury Street, London E 1 5JL Copyright Copyright 2019 Bulb Energy. All rights reserved. link Unsubscribe from this list