Panic Updates graphic Panic Logo Nova is here! (First, this mailing list has been around for a very long time. If you no longer want to get Panic news, link click here to unsubscribe dot ) Big news! If you haven't heard yet: after years of development, our native, next gen code editor for mac OS is out now. thumbs up link Learn More About Nova After creating Coda, we decided to make a new editor one more suited for modern web development. Nova is faster, lighter, and more agile. It has a new editing core with tons of new features. It was designed with build and run tasks in mind. It's extra customizable. It has a Prompt terminal and Transmit file transfers. And, most importantly, it has a robust extensions architecture that people are already using to make Nova even better. link L Fj 892w 1Zt 9ZI 8Ybl 63V 1Er Q link You can download Nova as a free 30 day trial. Nova is $99 or $79 if you own Coda 1 or 2. When you link buy Nova , you own it forever. It comes with one full year of updates. If you want more updates, and they're totally optional, they're $49 slash year. This way, we can release fixes and features the moment they're ready. And there's no penalty to signing up for updates later. link Learn more. While using Nova, you might have a question, find a bug, or have a feature request for us. Please, link feel free to drop us a line anytime. (You can also check out the link Panic Library for Nova. ) We hope you enjoy Nova. link Visit the Nova site to learn more. Hooray for Mac apps! Best, Cabel PS: Here's a nice Nova link introduction video. link Unsubscribe Now bullet link View Online bullet link panic dot com (You signed up for this list via our website.)